ddd 165

Truth And / Or Virtue: Graphic Designs by Shinnoske Sugisaki and Yoshimaru Takahashi

  • This exhibition explored the origins of communication design by extracting the essence of graphic style cultivated by these two designers in their everyday creative work and highlighting their characteristic styles: respectively, constructive and curative. The theme - "Truth And / Or Virtue" - contains two nuances: the commonality implied in "and," and the individuality inherent in "or." Today, at a time when the realm of communication design is expanding and diffusing, they returned to probe the true essence of graphic design via the medium of the poster. The exhibition centered on new works prepared for this event, complemented by some 40 posters selected from among their previous works.

  • ID


  • Exhibition Name

    Truth And / Or Virtue: Graphic Designs by Shinnoske Sugisaki and Yoshimaru Takahashi

  • Period

    November 25, 2008–December 24, 2008

  • Exhibition Type

    ddd exhibition

  • Venue

    ddd Namba, Osaka

  • November 25, 2008
    Gallery Talk
    Namba SS Building

    Mr. Sugisaki creates structured design based on a physics approach, while the designs created by Mr. Takahashi are emotive, textured and by no means dry, based on a literary approach. Could the fact that their joint show revealed aspects slightly different from their earlier methods and expressive modes perhaps reflect that something new has been born in them both? They discussed their respective views on design and communication with firm conviction. Mr. Takahashi expressed the view that graphic design is culture that speaks for its era, and even with extremely general occurrences of kind that do not subsequently get passed on as historical facts, looking at the graphic design works of the period at hand eloquently bespeaks them in real terms. Mr. Sugisaki said it is important to keep in mind that, so long as one is designer, one exists within one moment with the continuum of history.


Photographer: OKUWAKI Koichi

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