HARA Kenya


  • Name

    原 研哉 はら けんや HARA Kenya

  • Company Name

    株式会社日本デザインセンター にほんでざいんせんたー Nippon Design Center, Inc.

  • Job Title

    Graphic Desinger

  • Birth


  • Area


  • Profile

    He is a professor at Musashino Art University, and prolific writer. Since 2002 he has served as art director for MUJI. He aspires to designing "states" rather than "things." Among his creations are exhibitions - which have toured worldwide - embracing key words that overturn pre-exciting valued: for example, "RE-DESIGN," "HAPTIC" and "SENSEWARE." Meanwhile, for his design of the programs for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics and his promotional campaign for AICHI EXPO 2005, he developed designs deeply rooted in Japanese culture. For his design activities he has garnered numerous awards, including the Japan Inter-Design Forum Award.

    Source: "Graphic Art & Design Annual 08-09"